K-drama ● Review: Grid
Study: Global Warming Caused by the Sun
Pact for the NWO Future
Film ● Mini-Review: Breathe
Anime ● Review: Real Drive
How to Keep Your Social Credit Score Up
Study: Carbon Dioxide Boosts Vegetation Growth
Prebunking, Cos Debunking Is Not Enough Lying
Another Chicken Farm Destroyed
Dad Questions If Children Have Been Fiddling with HAARP Thermostat
AI Can “Shift” Attitudes. And It Can Lie Too.
Researchers Develop Fuel Cells Using Soil
New Electric Vehicle “Evangelion” to Enter Market
Film ● Review: Jung_E
Study: 70% of Warming Caused by Sun, Depending on Which Dataset Used
Comrade Dan Wants California Down Under, Bans Gas in New Homes
Rockefeller Foundation and WHO Collaborate on Pandemic Preparedness Capabilities and Surveillance
K-drama ● Review: Black Knight
Trudeau: Never Promised to Not Reduce Chocolate Rations
The Fourth Industrial Revolution by Klaus Schwab
Australian Government: Massive Solar Farm Still a Good Idea