A little thought experiment: Imagine the owner of a house who wants to put it up for lease as the tenants have just finished their contract and moved out.
The owner wants responsible tenants, of course. Various people approach him. Some of his family and friends recommend others. He has doubts about many of them. A particular group eventually moves in. His instincts tell him something is not right but they look half-respectable and no worse than anyone else.
Soon, there are problems. At first, it’s the little things like stains on the walls and carpet, and they don’t mow the lawns often enough. It’s not enough to kick them out but the pattern of behavior is concerning.
Then it gets worse like holes in walls, ripped-up carpet and they don’t pay their rent on time. And it’s not just a messy lawn but there is rubbish everywhere and somehow, they have even brought down part of the fence.
The owner asks these tenants to be careful but they just ignore him. Legally, by now, he may have them expelled but the so-called justice system is not helpful—after all, it’s “arguable”. Of course it is, lawyers and judges would be out of a job if things weren’t “arguable”. It seems he must wait for the contract to expire and not renew it.
As the end of term approaches, instead of packing their bags, they leave more rubbish in and outside the house, more than what one thought possible. They even trash the neighbors’ properties, inviting retaliation.
Like most, the owner never had much of a relationship with the neighbors but it was civil. Now they just hate him. Smashed windows are the least of his problems since in the final days, the tenants take massive dumps everywhere but in the toilet and even light a fire using their own fecal matter as fuel.
It seems they intend to leave but not without making sure to leave the owner without a house and the biggest craphole they can manage.
Now, what do you think the owner would to do such tenants? Many will perhaps say, “I would have never let it come to that in the first place.” Ok, sure.

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