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The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson

Simian Practicalist

The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History is Epperson’s first book, first published in 1985. As the title states, Epperson rejects the intellectually deficient and dissatisfying “accidental view” of history, but rather adopts the “conspiratorial view” of history. Also, it is an “introduction” so consider this to be an overview. It has breadth rather than depth.

So, to those who need a relatively simple starting point to the conspiratorial view of history, this is certainly a convenient one. To those who are not new to this, they are unlikely to find anything they haven’t read before. Nevertheless, the author consistently includes references and citations (endnotes), and there is a bibliography, glossary and index. Apart from the small font size—which is unavoidable if it is to remain a single-volume text at under 500 pages in total—the book is generally well presented and can still serve as a good reference.

The book comprises of 41 short chapters. The author begins with some definitions and discussion of terms in the earlier chapters before continuing. The history is not necessarily presented in chronological order. Below are merely a few points to provide a small glimpse of the material covered.

The Unseen Hand by A. Ralph Epperson
  • The author does discuss inflation, gold and money creation. Whilst he makes good observations regarding the problems of the financial system, his description of the debt-based system could be better.

  • The Illuminati (in its modern form) was founded by Adam Weishaupt on 1 May 1776, who was then initiated into a masonic order, in effect infiltrating it. The goals of the Illuminati include the abolition of monarchies and ordered government, private property, family and religion, amongst other things. There are strong similarities between the aims of the Illuminati and communism.

  • Although the author does mention the French Revolution, he surprisingly does not dedicate a chapter to the topic.

  • The Russian Revolution followed a period of growth in the oil industry and industry. The socialist movement was funded by entities from the UK and US. It was US policy to not recognize the communist government until FDR did so in 1933.

  • The Cuban Revolution also happened at a time when the country was on the rise with improving standards of living. The US seemed to be complicit in allowing the rise of communism under Castro. Although it is mentioned, there is no detailed discussion of the antagonisms between JFK and the CIA at the time.

  • Freemasonry (as we know it in its modern form) was founded in 1717 in London, then spread to France and several US cities in the following decades. The Boston Tea Party was a masonic operation. Many of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were masons. Some US presidents, include George Washington were known to be masons. The author does mention that popes, starting from Pope Clement XII, have condemned freemasonry (which some authors conveniently omit).

  • In 1791, US government approved a 20-year bank charter, the First Bank of the United States. After that expired, there was the War of 1812. This in turn lead to a renewal of the 20-year charter, the Second Bank of the United States, starting in 1816. President Andrew Jackson repeatedly warned the American public about banks. In 1835, Richard Lawrence, who was “in touch with the powers in Europe”, attempted but failed to assassinate Jackson.

  • The Rothchild banking family, started by Amschel Moses Bauer set up his five sons to run their banks throughout Europe. The author mentions the infamous incident regarding the decisive battle of Waterloo: Nathan Rothchild was observed in the London bond market looking despondent. As it was common knowledge that the Rothchilds had a speedy courier system which the authorities never dared to stop, everybody had simply assumed England had lost the battle to France and simultaneously sold their bonds, driving the prices down. But England had in fact won and Nathan’s agents bought the bonds at low prices. Thus, Nathan Rothchild in effect bought England.

  • The secretive organization Knights of the Golden Circle and the agents of the European bankers plotted and facilitated the American Civil War. This was in essence “divide and conquer” since powers external to the US were either too weak and/or too far away. England and France were not surprisingly aligning to the South, but the Russian navy blockaded ports and prevented this. President Abraham Lincoln, in a move against the European banking powers, also printed his own money. However, the bankers did manage to impose an income tax.

  • John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln in 1865. Booth had links to the Carbonari, a secret society in Italy. President Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency and had to survive impeachment proceedings and the Jacobins attempting to stir up another civil war by resorting to a riot where some white people shot and killed some black people.

  • President William Howard Taft was against the Federal Reserve. The bankers had Woodrow Wilson as their man but they knew he could not win. Former president TR also lost the primaries so TR ran against both Taft and Wilson to take votes away from the former. Wilson won the election and later signed the Federal Reserve Bill in December 1913.

  • There is a chapter on “Non-Violent Organizations”, briefly mentioning a little history regarding Rhodes Scholarship, Fabian Society, London School of Economics, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), Bilderbergers, Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), National Council of Churches (NCC), World Council of Churches (WCC), amongst a few others. There is a chapter dedicated to the Trilateral Commission. In short, these organizations influence policies for control.

  • The author summarizes the Report from Iron Mountain, a paper which discusses the “invisible functions” of war, which includes it being a “control device”.

  • US entered World War I for the benefit the richest families to make more profit. The Lusitania carried ammo which contributed to its sinking which, of course, is not the official account. The intent at the end of WWI was to establish the League of Nations, and the Treaty of Versailles to ensure another world war. The author does not explicitly mention here the deliberate destruction of nations and empires but that is obvious enough given the “program” re one world government (e.g. League of Nations, United Nations.)

  • Nazism was inspired by the occultic and satanic beliefs of the Thule Society. There is discussion that Hitler was possibly related to the Rothchilds. In any case, US organizations financially supported Nazi Germany. Japan did make an effort to avoid war with the US and Pearl Harbor was not a surprise attack. In the end, United Nations was formed and the real “winner” was the USSR with their territory, material and technological gains.

  • Like some authors, Epperson does mention briefly that the atomic bombings were not necessary to end the war with Japan. And he is one of the few who mention that Hiroshima and Nagasaki are both the most Christian cities of Japan.

  • The Korean War was in effect a rigged war where some actions were not taken against the Chinese forces. Also, due to UN involvement, US military decisions were known to the Russians who aided the North. The US also in effect aided the communist Chinese against Taiwan.

  • The deliberate promotion of the theory of evolution in an attempt to exclude God and the supernatural. The author mentions a number of points, of which the more interesting ones are: intact fossils suggests sudden death which preserved the body rather gradual decay which would not have left the body intact; older fossils layers are not always under the younger layers; human footprints found beside dinosaur footprints; Earth’s magnetic field decay suggests the earth cannot be more than 10,000 years old; amount of meteoritic dust found on the moon corresponds to an age of 10,000 years rather than 4.5 billion years.

  • There is a chapter on Secular Humanism, which is a naturalist philosophy linked to communist and masonic philosophy. The implications are that it excludes God and moral absolutes. One of the signatories of the Humanist Manifesto is John Dewey, the “father of Progressive Education.” Dewey taught four of the five Rockefeller brothers, and was a communist.

  • The promotion of “free education” is consistent to communist and humanist ideals in order to brainwash the younger generation and to reduce time spent at home with their mothers; that is, the gradual destruction of the family.


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