The True Story of The Bilderberg Group by Daniel Estulin was first published in 2005. This brief review is based on the Second Edition (North American Union Edition) published in 2009.
The book is organized into four (4) parts, spanning 27 short chapters, each part dedicated to a so-called group. The main text is just over 230 pages. The appendix, endnotes, postscript and index are about 170 pages. Names and positions of prominent attendees of Bilderberg meetings are also provided.
The author begins each part by mentioning a little history about the group, then some of their general objectives and their more recent activity.
It is not a long book so the length as well as the writing and layout are all easily accessible, but since the text is basically about one subject, there is sufficient detail to satisfy the reader.
Part One: The Bilderberg Group – This group had its first meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland in May 1954. The aim is essentially Anglo-American one-world government. Only selected individuals from the political, financial, industrial and military circles are invited. Attendees are not allowed to give interviews to journalists, and even personal assistants and bodyguards eat in a separate hall. These individuals then later execute the decisions made via policy changes and the like.
Their objectives include one international identity, centralized control of the people, a zero-growth society, a state of perpetual imbalance, centralized control of all education, centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies, empowerment of the UN, expansion of the Western Trading Bloc, expansion of NATO, one legal system and one socialist welfare state.
Part Two: The Council on Foreign Relations – CFR was founded in 1921. Edward Mandell House was one of its founders. The author focuses on its connections to the media and the US government. CFR members have been CIA Directors, US Presidents and other high-level government officials. The author also mentions a few of their methods of bringing about their one-world government, such as UN disarmament and the Marshall Plan as one of the first steps of European unification.
Part Three: The Trilateral Commission – TC was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1973. The organization is divided into three regions: American, European and Pacific Asian. The Commission has around 350 members at any given time and these are all selected by the Executive Committee. On the surface at least, its aims are economic control via so-called globalization and monopoly. Despite that and despite the fact that Trilateralist members are to resign their membership upon taking up a government position, TC has financed US presidential candidates. Whether originally intended or not, TC serves as a supplemental and/or alternative group to the UN and CFR. The author also dedicates a chapter to how the American financiers supported the Bolsheviks.
Part Four: The North American Union – The author speculates on the possible union between the US and Canada. Citing Europe as an example for comparative purposes, the author provides a timeline of events that point towards a possible NAU beginning with the signing of NAFTA in 1987 to the time of writing in 2008. The essence of the author’s argument is that the apparent economic motivations begin the process which later expand to security concerns, amongst other things, and then finally political union with a common currency.
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