Title: Lucy
Director(s): Luc Besson
Screenwriter(s): Luc Besson
Released: 2014
Runtime: 1h 30m

● Luc Besson making a sci-fi action film should be a treat. Sadly, this is not the case.
● Lucy (Scarlett Johansson) is an American student in Taiwan. Tricked by her new boyfriend to deliver a suitcase to a Korean drug lord, she is forced to smuggle a new synthetic drug. Sowed into her abdomen, it later ruptures. Her body absorbs it and she quickly develops extraordinary mental and physical abilities.
● The intercuts between Lucy and Professor Samuel Norman (Morgan Freeman) talking about life and the percentage use of cerebral capacity are understandable for narrative purposes but the intercutting to include wild animals is trying too hard.
● The structure is mostly tight even if the pacing is at times a bit convenient. Although it is appreciated that it does not jump straight into the action within five minutes, it is about 30 minutes before Lucy starts dispatching her adversaries. Although this structure is typical of Besson, it could get into the action a little quicker. After all, everyone knows what it’s about so let’s just get into it.
● Lucy’s abilities are an excuse for some cool action sequences but they are too short and not particularly spectacular. Superpowers or not, there could still be some cool gunfights. Besson’s visual style is recognizable but this is an opportunity to take it up a notch, an opportunity not taken full advantage of.
● Given the effect of the drugs, Lucy’s life is in danger. Obviously, the hero can’t have superpowers without price and a time limit is a typical device. However, the way it is executed in the film feels a bit forced.
● One could argue the entire premise is too forced. Setting aside budget constraints, the plot may work better if it is set in the near-future with Lucy’s powers interacting more with technology as well as allowing her enemies to use technology against her. But that is another discussion.
● Although Scarlett Johansson’s performance is not bad, I am simply not a fan of hers. In my opinion at least, there are plenty of other actresses who would look and do better in the role. The film is mildly entertaining but it is nothing special and is ultimately a lost opportunity.

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