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Study: COVID-19 Jabs Lead to Increased Cancer Deaths

Simian Practicalist

A Japanese study by M. Gibo et al titled “Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan” published on 8 April 2024 supports what many doctors have been claiming: the COVID-19 vaccine causes cancer.

The study, of course, does not state that the so-called vaccine causes cancer, just that there has been a relative increase in cancer deaths since the vaccine rollout. The motivation for the study was the observed increase in excess mortality in Japan, including those from cancer.

The paper is 18 pages long. The main text is about 14 pages, the remaining are references. If one has to summarize the study into one sentence, then it would be that Japan in 2020 had deficit mortality for all causes and no excess mortality due to cancers, but both have shifted to excess mortality in 2021 and 2022.

…in 2021, there was significant excess mortality of 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 1.1% (>95% upper PI) for all cancers. In 2022, the excesses increased to 9.6% (>99% upper PI) for all causes and 2.1% (>99% upper PI) for all cancers.

As for age-specific mortality, not every group is the same. The 75–79 age group, unlike the others, had already experienced excess mortality in 2020.

However, this gradually shifted to excess mortality in 2021 and escalated in 2022 in almost all age groups, except for the 65-69 and 85+ groups. In the 75-79 age group, excess mortality was 3.9% (95% CI: 2.6, 5.3) in 2020, 7.9% (6.4, 9.5) in 2021, and 9.5% (7.8, 11.4) in 2022, each exceeding the 99% upper PIs.

The younger groups had few deaths and no statistically significant changes were observed.

Out of the 20 types of cancer, five had statistically significant excess mortality in 2022: ovarian cancer (9.7%), leukemia (8.0%), prostate cancer (5.9%), lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer (5.5%), and pancreatic cancer (2.0%).

Of the remaining 15 cancer types for which annual AMRs [age-adjusted mortality rates] did not exceed the 95% PIs, the only cancer type for which monthly AMRs deviated from the 95% PIs multiple times in a year was breast cancer in women.

The increase was around 5% in some months and even as high as approximately 7% in June 2022.

Figure 1: Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) over time and excess mortality in each month: all cancers.
Figure 1: Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) over time and excess mortality in each month: all cancers.
Figure 5: Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) over time and excess mortality in each month for cancers with excess mortalities in 2021 and 2022.
Figure 5: Age-adjusted mortality rates (AMRs) over time and excess mortality in each month for cancers with excess mortalities in 2021 and 2022.

There is the argument that lower cancer care during 2020 led to excess deaths later.

Reduced cancer screening and healthcare due to the lockdown might increase deaths for any type of cancer. Still, the significant increases in mortalities for six specific cancer types were unlikely to be explained by a shortage of healthcare services.

In other words, there should be a noticeable trend across all types of cancer if the increase in cancer deaths is due to reduced cancer care.

The study discusses three possible factors for the vaccines to cause cancer. But first, it recounts what has already been observed, that the so-called vaccine is rapidly distributed throughout the body and persists, including in specific organs.

The total number of cells in the body is estimated to be 37.2 trillion whereas the Pfizer injection is estimated to have 13 trillion molecules and Moderna has 40 trillion molecules per dose. The body is simply flooded upon administration, especially with multiple doses. It has also been observed that the vaccinated have an “increased susceptibility to infection”.

  • “Because cancer often leads to the activation of coagulation via various mechanisms, one of the major causes of mortality in patients with cancer is cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT).” The COVID-19 S-protein can “induce the formation of amyloid” as well as impact blood coagulation and trigger autoimmune inflammatory reactions, thus possibly leading to CAT.

  • “One study showed that S-protein exposure increases surface expression of PD-L1 on a wide range of immune cell types and tumor cells, and PD-1 on T cells, which suppresses the activity of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells against cancer cells.” In other words, the vaccine can suppress the body’s natural functions of combating cancer.

  • The five cancers mentioned (six if including breast cancer) with significant excess mortality are “estrogen and estrogen receptor alpha (ERα)-sensitive cancers”. The “S-protein specifically binds to ERα and upregulates the transcriptional activity of ERα” which is suspected to lead to cancer development.

Regardless of the mechanisms, it is undeniable that there has been excess mortality for all causes and due to cancers in Japan since the vaccine rollout.


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