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Age of the Universe According to the Plasma Physics Model

Very Average Joe
NGC 2336 (Photo: ESA/Hubble & NASA; V. Antoniou & J. Schmidt)
NGC 2336 (Photo: ESA/Hubble & NASA; V. Antoniou & J. Schmidt)

When it comes to the age of the universe, there is a big difference between Scripture and so-called modern science (or at least one school of thought). One scientific view estimates the age of the universe to be approximately 14 billion years. Scripture estimates it to be approximately 6,000 years, depending on the version.

Both have their reasons and both have merit despite the difference in orders of magnitude. Some conveniently accept one whilst ignoring the other. Others try to reconcile the difference by resorting to some sort of metaphorical and symbolic reading of Scripture. Whilst that is not without merit, it seems a little cheap if one doesn’t try to account for the difference—after all, the metaphorical and literal don’t necessarily contradict each other.

This is where a model based on plasma physics and zero point energy (ZPE) instead of the traditional gravitational model can better make sense of things. Gravity is a weak force whereas plasma (electromagnetic) is stronger and faster, which can better account for the anomalies found in astronomy and geology.

Barry Setterfield explains the physics on his website ( He is not the first scientist to discuss this but his website is the only one I can find which contains a substantial body of information that is simple enough for the layman but also technical enough to satisfy those who demand more detail.

But back to the topic…

We typically measure time according to orbital time or dynamic time; that is, based on the earth’s rotation and revolution around the sun. When we carbon date, the atomic time is based on the radioactive decay and we assume atomic constants are indeed constants. There is a relationship between atomic constants and the speed of light which we also assume to be a constant in a vacuum.

In other words, despite the difference in method, it is assumed that atomic time is the same as orbital time. If carbon dating says something is 65.5 million years old in atomic time, then we assume it is 65.5 million years old in orbital time.

However, it is a fact that the speed of light has been slowing down. And atomic constants have been known to change. This is due to the changing vacuum ZPE in an expanding universe which in turn impacts the speed of plasma processes.

The implication is significant. If the speed of light had been faster in the past, then it means more atomic time had passed per unit of orbital time. The profile is not linear, the speed of light was many times faster at the birth of the universe. In any case, atomic time can be approximately re-scaled to orbital time.

So, the universe is about 14 billion years old in atomic time which can be approximated to 7,800 years orbital time. This is much closer to and is in the same order of magnitude of 6,000 years from Scripture.

Setterfield explains the plasma physics model and the age of the universe in an article at

He also has a video presentation that explains plasma astronomy and the Bible at

Not discussed by Setterfield is the age of the universe according to Roman Martyrology, the study of the lives of saints that is presumably based on other historical martyrologies and less adulterated versions of Scripture (which is another long story).

According to Roman Martyrology, Christ was born in the year 5199 AM (Anno Mundo, “Year of the World”). Therefore, 2021 AD is 7220 AM which is more comparable to the age of the universe as estimated by the plasma physics model.

As a sidebar, note that we are in the 73rd century with the year starting with “72”, a Christological number. One has to wonder whether this century will be particularly interesting…

Creation of the World, Russian icon
Creation of the World, Russian icon

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