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Study: More Vaccines for Infants, More Problems

A study by K. Jablonowski and B. Hooker titled “Adverse Outcomes Are Increased with Exposure to Added Combinations of Infant Vaccines” published on 19 June 2024 has found that more vaccines for infants lead to more problems.

The paper is 9 pages long and is a relatively short and easy read.

The study analyzed a total of 1,542,076 infants (<1 year old at the time of vaccination) between 1 July 1991 and 31 May 2011.

Not everyone received the same vaccines although some were common as they were part of the schedule. The “base” or control group of 227,231 received only DTaP, HIB, and IPV. This was compared to 7 other groups of vaccine combinations in addition to the “base” combination. The 7 groups were:

HepB (N=321,296)

PNC (N=319,420)

Rota (N=10,139)

HepB-PNC (N=531,516)

HepB-Rota (N=22,800)

PNC-Rota (N=35,882)

HepB-PNC-Rota (N=73,792)

The measures were the numbers of medical diagnoses (ICD-9-CM codes) that were assessed through 30 days after vaccination. Whilst this does not look into long-term problems, the results are nonetheless telling.

Even at a glance, one can see from Table 1 partially reproduced below that more vaccines generally led to more problems as well as a greater variety of problems.

[E]ach additional vaccine more than doubles the diseases diagnosed. All three categories of diseases (developmental, respiratory, or suspected infectious disease) are true to the exponential trend with each additional vaccine doubling or more than doubling the average number of diseases diagnosed.

Table 1: Thirty-day relative risk of infant vaccination diagnoses concerning respiratory, developmental, and suspected infectious disease.
Table 1: Thirty-day relative risk of infant vaccination diagnoses concerning respiratory, developmental, and suspected infectious disease.

More specifically, respiratory problems are the most common overall.

The highest respiratory relative risk of the study is ‘other diseases of trachea and bronchus’ (ICD-9-CM: 519.19) with an RR=31.409 (95%CI: 30.491-32.328), where infants who received all three vaccines in addition to the base were 3,041% more likely to be diagnosed as such within 30-days post-vaccination than an infant who only received DTaP+IPV+HIB. The highest developmental relative risk in the study is ‘failure to thrive’ (ICD-9-CM: 783.41) with an RR=4.662 (95% CI: 4.418-4.906) in infants who received all three vaccines in addition to the base.

Figure 2: The average number of different diseases detected increases exponentially with every added vaccine.
Figure 2: The average number of different diseases detected increases exponentially with every added vaccine.

The study does not look into infant mortality but those studies have been done. See the links below.


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